Golfer core stability & mobility exercises

Control and quality over speed and quantity is the key. For all the golfers coming out of lockdown. This video shows 5 exercises which focus on mobility and core stability for golfers. A stiff upper back and poor core control can lead to all sorts of problems including shoulder, hip, knee and lower back pain. … Read More

Swimmer core stability & mobility exercises

One of the most common problems I treat in swimmers is shoulder pain. This is often a result of core stability issues and loss of streamline position. This video shows 5 exercises which focus on core stability for swimmers and helping streamline position. Aim for 2-5 circuits of 30-60 secs as able. Rest for 30-60 … Read More

Post exercise stretches

Post exercise stretches Following on from pre-exercise warm up and dynamic stretches video. This video gives advice on post exercise stretching.  

Pre exercise warm up / stretches

Warm up exercises This video gives advice and suggestions on pre-exercise warm up and dynamic stretches. Great for all those starting or increasing your exercise.  

Stretches to ease stiffness following sitting at computer

Ease stiffness and tightness A few exercises to help ease stiffness and tightness in the neck, chest and back which can lead to headaches, shoulder pain and lower back pain. Great for people who are sitting or standing for longer periods or doing lots of gardening and DIY.  

Posture at computer while working from home

Posture at laptop This short video gives you tips to reduce the chances of getting problems like neck, back or arm pain and headaches while using your computer at home.